
Collabora takes security extremely seriously from design and architecture through our development process to implementation and support. We provide a flexible and powerful set of configuration options to allow systems to be locked-down and deployed safely on-premise. We provide timely updates to our customers to keep their deployments secure.

Security Newsletter

Please subscribe to our low-traffic security newsletter, if you would like to receive security related announcements with regards to Collabora Office and Collabora Online.

ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 Certification

Collabora Productivity have achieved ISO 9001 and 27001 certification. This recognises our commitment to providing high-quality products and services while maintaining the highest levels of security and data protection. Our customers can trust that we adhere to the strictest standards in quality and information security.

How to Report Security Issues

We participate in LibreOffice’s security process, however customers can also file security concerns through Collabora’s normal support channels.


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