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The #cool_dev Community

One of the best things about Open Source is the possibility of active participation. A friendly and helpful community has already formed around Collabora Online, that is advancing the software thought its commitment and knowledge.

Collabora’s mission to “Make Open Source Rock” has been an ongoing success thanks to our amazing diverse community. So, thank you for fixing that bug, translating those missing strings and reporting back with precious insight!

There are many ways to find your way to the welcoming #cool_dev community. Read on to find out how you can get involved!

Five great ways to become a part of the
#cool_dev community

1. The direct way – find us on GitHub

Do you want to get straight to the point without any detours? The easiest way is to meet us directly on GitHub. The entire CODE is available there, and we regularly provide easy hacks for newcomers to get started. Our community manager Pedro Silva helps new members get on board, and there’s also the forum for all kinds of questions.

2. Meet us on the in the chat or at weekly call

Eager to share what you are currently working on? Or perhaps in need for an easy hack? Come join us on the COOL Weekly Meeting every Thursday. All meeting minutes are then published in the Forum. For other asynchronous means of communication feel free to use the Forum (categories can work as mailing lists) or hop onto room (bridged to Telegram).

3. Find us on many contribution platforms

The open-source community offers many low-threshold opportunities to get involved in various FOSS projects with one’s programming skills. You will also find Collabora Online on many of these platforms. On CodeTriage, for example, you can find us if you filter by the language JavaScript. On Up For Grabs you can find our Easy Hacks if you search for the name Collabora Online or tags like LibreOffice or Productivity. You can also find Collabora Online on First Contributions or

4. Discover us during seasonal open-source events

The big seasonal hacking events are a great way to contribute to a new open-source project. For the annual Hacktoberfest, we post tasks that can be mastered by beginners. Maybe you can earn your personal Hacktober T-shirt by contributing to one Easy Hacks for Collabora Online? Another way to temporarily support the Cool Dev community is the 24 Pull Requests campaign, where you can find ways to support Collabora Online in the run-up to Christmas.

5. Meet us at conferences

You can meet us at various conferences throughout the year. At the beginning of the year, meet many of our developers in the LibreOffice devroom during FOSDEM. In late summer we are present with many talks at the LibreOffice conference LibOCon and we also host our own conference, the COOLdays with a focus on Collabora Online. You will find the next upcoming events we are participating in on our homepage in the category “Upcoming Events”.

More ways to stay in touch? Follow us on Social Media!

You can follow our activities on various social media platforms and get in touch with us there. We are present on Twitter, LinkedIn, Mastodon YouTube and Facebook…

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