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LibreOffice-from-Collabora 4.2 Release Notes

LibreOffice-from-Collabora 4.2 releases always contain all fixes from the upstream libreoffice-4-2 release branch, plus more fixes and backported stable features from higher releases.


Released on 2015-04-07

Most important fixes
  • Security fix in Hangul Word Processor import filter (CVE-2015-1774)
  • Upgrade to latest OpenSSL 1.0.1m library
  • Fixed a Graphite layout bug (tdf#88051)
  • Insert table copy as nested table in non-starting cell position (tdf#37156)
  • Backported stability fixes (issues found by Coverity)


Released on 2015-03-16

Most important fixes
  • Fixed a document layout issue in case of large tables in Writer
  • Better import of OOXML charts saved from MS Office 2007
  • Fixed a regression: Partially missing text in shrink-to-fit cells (tdf#84012)


Released on 2015-02-10

Most important fixes
  • Fixed Google Drive access via CMIS
  • Fixed image import from binary Word document (tdf#87015)
  • Backported stability fixes
  • Fixed a race condition when a document is opened from a very slow SMB share (tdf#67534)


Released on 2015-01-09

Backported features
  • Digital signing of exported PDF files

Most important fixes
  • Various PPTX import fixes
  • Various XLS and XLSX import fixes
  • ODF and OOXML validation fixes
  • Various security and stability fixes (found by Coverity, ASAN, Valgrind)


Released on 2014-12-04

Backported features
  • Lithuania started to use Euro

Most important fixes
  • PPTX import: fix import of shape line properties defined by theme
  • Image loss fixed in Impress
  • ODF validation fixes
  • Various crash fixes


Released on 2014-11-11

Most important fixes
  • Fixed handling of external sheet references of XLS files on Mac/Linux
  • Handle character limited fields in binary DOC format
  • Fixed selection problem of multiple drawings in Writer documents
  • Fixed Cut/Copy/Paste operation in Slides side pane in Impress


Released on 2014-10-23

Most important fixes
  • Fixed a crash upon second saving of an SVG file
  • Various fixes in OOXML import filters


Released on 2014-09-26

Most important fixes
  • RTF export and import fixes
  • Make background color of startcenter configurable
  • HTML import: Embed images if source URL is a local file
  • Backported security fixes found by Coverity


Released on 2014-08-25

Backported features
  • Accessibility improvements on Windows (IAccessible2 backport)
  • Enable printing WYSIWYG sidewindow comments
  • New Pivot table dialog

Most important fixes
  • WebDAV fixes
  • Improved rendering of Windows Metafiles and Enhanced Metafiles
  • Various fixes in binary Word document and OOXML import filters
  • CVE-2014-3575 Targeted Data Exposure Using Crafted OLE Objects
  • CVE-2014-3524 OpenOffice Calc Command Injection Vulnerability

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