Collabora Productivity Ltd Provides Duden Korrektor Functionality for BFA Staatendokumentation


Staatendokumentation (State Documentation)

  • Department within the Bundesamt für Fremdenwesen und Asyl (Federal Office for Immigration and Asylum)
  • Responsible for collecting and analysing information on countries of origin for individuals fleeing persecution, war, or other serious threats to their safety or freedom in their home country.

Key Challenges

  • Securely collecting, analyzing, and sharing sensitive data related to asylum applications.
  • Maintaining privacy and control over data while enabling collaboration within the department and with external organizations.
  • Ensuring the accuracy and consistency of written German in official documents.

Results with Collabora Online

  • Staatendokumentation uses Collabora Online within Nextcloud for secure, collaborative document editing while ensuring data privacy.
  • Open source allows them to maintain data control, keeping sensitive information within the EU and complying with GDPR.
  • Integration with the Duden Korrektor ensures accurate German spelling in all official documents.
  • This solution streamlines workflows, facilitates efficient collaboration, and supports secure information exchange.
"Collabora Online is the solution for uncomplicated use of documents in a public authority environment, which fits seamlessly into the existing environment and can be flexibly extended with required extras, such as the Duden Korrektor."
Thomas Schrott
Head of Department

Download the Case Study

Learn how the Duden Korrektor integration within Collabora Online and Nextcloud helped the Austrian government streamline their processes, maintain control of their data within the EU and increase productivity via collaboration.

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