
Was sind Collabora Online Partner?

Collabora-Partner machen die Magie für viele unserer Kunden möglich, indem sie umfassende Hosting-Kapazitäten und technisches Know-how für den Betrieb von Collabora Online bereitstellen. Als vertrauenswürdige Verbündete gehen diese Partner weit über das übliche Maß hinaus, um eine nahtlose Integration und optimale Leistung der Open-Source-Online-Office-Suite für Unternehmen und Privatpersonen gleichermaßen zu gewährleisten.

Unsere Partner bieten spezialisierte Hosting-Services an, die es Kunden ermöglichen, das volle Potenzial von Collabora Online zu nutzen, ohne die Infrastruktur selbst verwalten zu müssen. Sie stellen zuverlässige und sichere Hosting-Umgebungen zur Verfügung und sorgen dafür, dass die Suite jederzeit und von jedem Ort aus zugänglich ist. So können unsere Kunden effizient über Teams, Projekte und Standorte hinweg zusammenarbeiten.

Brauche ich einen Partner?

Dies ist eine wichtige Frage, die Sie sich stellen sollten, wenn Sie sich für einen Wechsel zu Collabora entscheiden. Die Entscheidung über den richtigen Ansatz für den Betrieb von Collabora Online hängt letztlich von den individuellen Bedürfnissen und Präferenzen Ihrer Organisation ab. Die Zusammenarbeit mit einem Partner bietet eine vereinfachte Lösung, die für viele Benutzer von Vorteil sein kann. Indem Sie das Fachwissen und die Hosting-Fähigkeiten eines vertrauenswürdigen Partners nutzen, können Sie von einer optimierten Erfahrung profitieren. Aber auch die Entscheidung für ein eigenes Hosting bietet viele Vorteile, wie z. B. erhöhte Sicherheit und volle Kontrolle über die Anpassung und Bereitstellung.

Vorteile der Wahl eines Partners:

  • Partner kümmern sich um die komplexen Aspekte von Hosting und Infrastrukturmanagement
  • Wählen Sie einen Partner, der mit Ihren Werten übereinstimmt
  • Finden Sie den richtigen Partner für Ihre Daten- und Sicherheitsanforderungen

Vorteile des On-Premise-Hostings:

  • Sie haben die volle Kontrolle über die physische und gesetzliche Sicherheit
  • Implementierung bestehender Sicherheitsprotokolle und Compliance-Anforderungen
  • Volle Kontrolle über Datenspeicherung, Backups und Zugriff, wodurch die Abhängigkeit von Drittanbietern reduziert wird
  • Einzigartige Anpassung und Integration in aktuelle Systemprozesse

Einen Partner finden

In den meisten Fällen entscheiden sich unsere Nutzer für einen Partner, der hauptsächlich in ihrem geografischen Zuständigkeitsbereich ansässig ist. Dies bietet zahlreiche Vorteile und gewährleistet eine bessere Anpassung an die lokalen Geschäftspraktiken, Vorschriften und Datenschutzgesetze. Außerdem ist es wahrscheinlich, dass Sie und Ihr Partner die gleiche Muttersprache sprechen, was eine reibungslosere Kommunikation, prompte Unterstützung und eine angenehmere Arbeitsbeziehung ermöglicht.

Die geografische Nähe ist jedoch nur ein Faktor, den Sie berücksichtigen sollten. Anwender sollten auch die Kompetenz und Erfahrung des Partners bei der Bereitstellung und Verwaltung von Collabora Online bewerten. Unsere Partner bieten eine Reihe von Dienstleistungen an, die auf die spezifischen Bedürfnisse Ihres Unternehmens zugeschnitten sind und eine nahtlose und maßgeschneiderte Bereitstellung von Collabora Online gewährleisten. Daher ist es wichtig, die Fähigkeit des Partners zu beurteilen, Ihre individuellen Anforderungen zu verstehen und Lösungen zu liefern, die mit Ihren Geschäftszielen übereinstimmen.

Wenn Sie Hilfe bei diesem Prozess benötigen, sollten Sie sich mit uns in Verbindung setzen!

21unity GmbH offers customized IT solutions ranging from infrastructure and...

Adfinis has been a leading service provider of Open Source...

algoo specializes in the development of ergonomic, customized and high-performance...

Alinto is a leading European player in electronic communication technologies...

Arawa is a French IT company specialized in Open Source...

Artistanbul is specialized on three main areas: enterprise software solutions,...

Aukfood is a French company that believes in the software...

Circularo is an end-to-end digital transformation platform changing how individuals...

CiviHosting is an established, top-tier hosting firm based in the...

The reliability of the business solution is of central importance....

CQ Net is an e-learning platform specialized in Organizational Behavior...

DAASI International is one of the leading providers for open...

Consulting We combine practical know-how with in-depth sector expertise to...

EGroupware offers an online calendar for appointment management, contact management...

elDoc is a product company empowering your document excellence journey...

ETES GmbH, based in Stuttgart, Germany, specializes in Linux and...

Factor group is the company, that offers consulting services, pre-design...

FileAgo is a enterprise file management, file sharing and...

FileCloud, developed by CodeLathe, is one of the fastest growing...

Friprogramvarusyndikatet is a free software (FLOSS) hosting and IT services...

Grene IT is a sustainable and ethical IT service provider....

Founded in 2006, the‘s platform technology takes a hosting...

Indryve is an enterprise content collaboration platform that empowers teams...

Informology is an IT solution provider, offering consultation, training, software/application...

ITServicenet, based in Italy, has been providing professional IT consulting...

French leader in AI-enhanced sovereign communication and collaboration solutions, Jalios... is Jeci’s online document management service based on Alfresco...

Kolab Systems AG is an Open Source Independent Software Vendor...

Marsh Web Solutions, based in New Zealand, offers privacy-centric web...

Qingdao Nature Easy Soft Network Technology Co., LTD, founded in... is a provider of complete solutions for IT systems,...

Nevermind is an enterprise solution for file exchange, workspace and...

Nextcloud offers a unique-in-the-industry, fully open-source solution for on-premise data...

Oivan Group bring together expertise in design and technology to...

Open Circle, headquartered in Zurich, has been offering IT solutions...

Based in Lyon, Easya Solutions specialised in providing solutions based...

OpenCloud is a powerful, cloud-native, open source solution for file...

Filr by Opentext is an appliance-based product that will give...

Collabora Productivity and ownCloud are pleased to offer a combined...

PathConnect wants to make open source software easily accessible to...

PC HELP operates on the information technologies market since 1990....

We at Quality Location attach great importance to high performance...

RCA Systems provides consulting, implementation, training and hosting services around...

Redpill Linpro helps customers to build the IT foundation for...

Retention Range offerings include identification of suitable solutions for Governments,...

Rono-IT is a Dutch service provider, providing small business’ smart...

Seafile is a lightweight, fast entreprise sync & share solution...

SecuredStore was developed as a HIPPA compliant service by the...

SiveHost is a web hosting and cloud computing company founded...

HiDrive is a cloud storage platform for small businesses and...

Studio Storti, the most referenced provider of Open Source solutions...

SwissVON has been one of the first companies in Switzerland...

The Good Cloud is a privacy-centered hosting provider based in...

unaone is a hosting provider based in the Hanseatic city...

united hoster focussus on IT solutions from the cloud for...

Univention is the leading provider of open source software for...

Unodata, our trusted Brazilian partner, specialises in empowering both Government...

ViOffice is a complete and feature-packed personal cloud and remote...

VNC – Virtual Network Consult is a leading developer of...

WebbPlatsen is a Swedish company that has been supplying SaaS,...

WeThink Solutions is a company concerned with thinking and finding...

Wölkli is Switzerland’s first cloud storage provider, based on Nextcloud,...

In 1980 Mark Workman used an Apple II Plus and...

Worteks is a free and Open Source software expertise and...

21unity GmbH offers customized IT solutions ranging from infrastructure and...

Adfinis has been a leading service provider of Open Source...

algoo specializes in the development of ergonomic, customized and high-performance...

Alinto is a leading European player in electronic communication technologies...

Arawa is a French IT company specialized in Open Source...

Artistanbul is specialized on three main areas: enterprise software solutions,...

Aukfood is a French company that believes in the software...

Circularo is an end-to-end digital transformation platform changing how individuals...

CiviHosting is an established, top-tier hosting firm based in the...

The reliability of the business solution is of central importance....

CQ Net is an e-learning platform specialized in Organizational Behavior...

DAASI International is one of the leading providers for open...

Consulting We combine practical know-how with in-depth sector expertise to...

EGroupware offers an online calendar for appointment management, contact management...

elDoc is a product company empowering your document excellence journey...

ETES GmbH, based in Stuttgart, Germany, specializes in Linux and...

Factor group is the company, that offers consulting services, pre-design...

FileAgo is a enterprise file management, file sharing and...

FileCloud, developed by CodeLathe, is one of the fastest growing...

Friprogramvarusyndikatet is a free software (FLOSS) hosting and IT services...

Grene IT is a sustainable and ethical IT service provider....

Founded in 2006, the‘s platform technology takes a hosting...

Indryve is an enterprise content collaboration platform that empowers teams...

Informology is an IT solution provider, offering consultation, training, software/application...

ITServicenet, based in Italy, has been providing professional IT consulting...

French leader in AI-enhanced sovereign communication and collaboration solutions, Jalios... is Jeci’s online document management service based on Alfresco...

Kolab Systems AG is an Open Source Independent Software Vendor...

Marsh Web Solutions, based in New Zealand, offers privacy-centric web...

Qingdao Nature Easy Soft Network Technology Co., LTD, founded in... is a provider of complete solutions for IT systems,...

Nevermind is an enterprise solution for file exchange, workspace and...

Nextcloud offers a unique-in-the-industry, fully open-source solution for on-premise data...

Open Circle, headquartered in Zurich, has been offering IT solutions...

Based in Lyon, Easya Solutions specialised in providing solutions based...

OpenCloud is a powerful, cloud-native, open source solution for file...

Filr by Opentext is an appliance-based product that will give...

Collabora Productivity and ownCloud are pleased to offer a combined...

PathConnect wants to make open source software easily accessible to...

PC HELP operates on the information technologies market since 1990....

We at Quality Location attach great importance to high performance...

RCA Systems provides consulting, implementation, training and hosting services around...

Redpill Linpro helps customers to build the IT foundation for...

Retention Range offerings include identification of suitable solutions for Governments,...

Rono-IT is a Dutch service provider, providing small business’ smart...

Seafile is a lightweight, fast entreprise sync & share solution...

SecuredStore was developed as a HIPPA compliant service by the...

SiveHost is a web hosting and cloud computing company founded...

HiDrive is a cloud storage platform for small businesses and...

Studio Storti, the most referenced provider of Open Source solutions...

SwissVON has been one of the first companies in Switzerland...

The Good Cloud is a privacy-centered hosting provider based in...

unaone is a hosting provider based in the Hanseatic city...

united hoster focussus on IT solutions from the cloud for...

Univention is the leading provider of open source software for...

Unodata, our trusted Brazilian partner, specialises in empowering both Government...

ViOffice is a complete and feature-packed personal cloud and remote...

VNC – Virtual Network Consult is a leading developer of...

WebbPlatsen is a Swedish company that has been supplying SaaS,...

WeThink Solutions is a company concerned with thinking and finding...

Wölkli is Switzerland’s first cloud storage provider, based on Nextcloud,...

In 1980 Mark Workman used an Apple II Plus and...

Worteks is a free and Open Source software expertise and...

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