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Collabora Online 3 Release Notes

Collabora Online 3.4.4

Released on April 1, 2019

Bugfix release
  • Follow other editor: the flag with the user name is always displayed above the other users’ caret when they are typing or moving around in the document. When the other users stop, the flag fades away after a second or two.
  • Fixed tdf#123500 – Double ‘~’ character in French translation
  • Fixed tdf#123482 – Cleanup convert-to folder more reliably
  • Fixed tdf#124167 – Changing text properties doesn’t make presentation modified right away
  • Fix that edits from multiple users got mixed up sometimes
  • Check SVG URLs before exporting
  • openssl: upgrade to release 1.0.2r
  • Other stability and security fixes

Collabora Online 3.4.3

Released on February 6, 2019

Security fixes of 3rd party libraries
  • libxslt: upgrade to release 1.1.33
  • libxml2: upgrade to release 2.9.9
  • lcms2: upgrade to release 2.9
  • python3: add patch bpo-17239: Disable external entities in SAX parser
  • curl: upgrade to release 7.63.0
Other fixes
  • Updated translations

Collabora Online 3.4.2

Released on December 3, 2018

Bugfix release
  • Avoid scroll-wheel jittering, and shrink the scroll increment.
  • Fixed cursor visibility issues
  • Fixed Alt key modifier on macOS, i.e. ⌥+character produces the expected character, €: ⌥-Shift-2 with English layout, @: ⌥-L with German layout, etc.
  • Add the /hosting/capabilities endpoint to the example reverse proxy configs
  • Ask for username (default to ‘admin’ if nothing set) with ‘loolconfig set-admin-password’

Collabora Online 3.4.1

Released on November 12, 2018

Bugfix release with minor features
  • Fixed corner cases, when image insertion into document directly from the WOPI host did not work.
  • Changed the user interface a bit for image insertion. Now there is ‘Insert Local Image’ function for inserting image from the device/PC, and there is ‘Insert Image’ function for inserting image from the WOPI host (when the WOPI host is capable of this).
  • Added /hosting/capabilities endpoint to advertise online features to WOPI hosts. Currently there is only one feature, the convert-to endpoint, that can be used to generate thumbnail images of the documents.
  • Handle X-Forwarded-For HTTP header for convert-to feature, which means that the client’s IP address from the X-Forwarded-For value is used when Collabora Online decides to allow or to deny the usage of convert-to feature. All participating IP addresses have to be allowed to use convert-to functionality, for example, the IP address of the reverse-proxy and the actual client. Now the log message is clearer about the reason of denial.
  • The convert-to feature is also enabled for the enabled WOPI hosts.
  • Clean up temporary files that are created during the thumbnail generation by convert-to feature.
  • Performance fixes related to documents with many tracked changes. Now it possible to switch off comment boxes for change-tracking with setting the redlining_as_comments to false in the per_document section of the config file.
  • Added a time limit for badly behaved / huge document load / conversions. By default it is 100 seconds. The default can be changed in the config file, with the limit_load_secs setting in the per_document section.
  • The width of the Font Size dropdown on the top toolbar has been fixed.
  • The Rename Sheet dialog now has the current sheet name in input box.
  • Other small fixes of the user interface on mobile devices

Collabora Online 3.4

Released on October 10, 2018

Highlights of the changes since Collabora Online 3.3
  • Significantly improved interactivity on high latency connections;
  • Considerably improved the mobile experience;
  • Possibility to anonymize the logs if necessary (hiding URLs, document names and usernames);
  • Increased performance of Impress by on-demand loading of the slides in slide sorter;
  • Possibility to use a different service root than the toplevel. If the rules of your organization do not permit running services in the root, you can use a subpath for it, like by setting /IT/CollaboraOnline as the ServiceRoot in the configuration file;
  • Convert-to is now allowed only for the hosts explicitly allowed in the configuration file;
  • Possibility to trigger sharing directly from the document. UI for this is enabled only when the CheckFileInfo contains ‘EnableShare: true’ ;
  • Possibility to insert an image file into document directly from the WOPI host. UI for this is enabled only when the CheckFileInfo contains ‘EnableInsertRemoteImage: true’ ;
  • Various other smaller fixes and improvements, including few crasher fixes.

See also the announcement.

Collabora Online 3.3.1

Released on July 6, 2018

Bugfix release
  • Responsive design fixes:
  • In Calc, it is possible to use Ctrl+click on hyperlinks even when the hyperlink is created with HYPERLINK spreadsheet function;
  • Now the right-clicking on the toolbar, status bar and menu area does not bring up the browser‘s local menu any longer;
  • The Cell border dropdown button in Calc has a new More… button, which invokes a dialog with more settings;
  • The color picker toolbar widget has now the No Fill option for character backgrounds and Automatic color option for character color;
  • We have fixed the File – Print… behavior on Firefox. Now it opens PDF print view directly, instead of sending the PDF for download;
  • Bugfix of the remote monitoring feature introduced in version 3.3.0. (thanks to our partner Arawa).
  • Fixed loading of spelling dictionaries from Collabora Office packages (it was a regression in Collabora Online 3.3.0)

See also the announcement.

Collabora Online 3.3

Released on June 29, 2018

Highlights of the changes since Collabora Online 3.2
  • Improved clipboard handling.Now it preserves formatting, tables, images and more.
  • Conditional formatting toolbar dropdown in Calc
  • Border toolbar dropdown in Calc
  • Responsive design improvements
  • Several interactivity improvements
  • Added the ability to connect a remote socket to a server which can be used to administer and remotely monitor a collection of Collabora Online instances – useful for integration with existing cluster management software and for workload migration.

See also the announcement.

Collabora Online 3.2.2

Released on May 11, 2018

Bugfix release
  • Explicit Save using the toolbar button could fail with .odf files containing charts. Other formats like .xls or .xlsx, and auto-saving of .odf were not affected. Version 3.2.2 fixes this issue.

Other improvements
  • Package repositories for Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (CODE and Collabora Online)
  • Enabled using of internal spelling dictionaries and thesauri from collaboraoffice5.3-dict-* packages
  • dictionaries environment variable for CODE Docker image (see more on CODE page)

Collabora Online 3.2.1

Released on May 3, 2018

Security fix

Releases of Collabora Online, from 3.0 onward release contain a security issue related to Admin Console authentication when in the default configuration (with PAM enabled).

  • Description of issue: When the admin_console.enable_pam setting is true, and admin_console.username and admin_console.password settings are empty, it is possible to log on to Admin Console with empty username and password. Workaround for older versions (3.0 – 3.2) Check whether you have a user/password set for the Admin Console. If so you are safe, otherwise – disabling PAM will disable the Admin Console: set admin_console.enable_pam to false in /etc/loolwsd/loolwsd.xml
  • If this line is not present (you upgraded) add:
  • <enable_pam desc="Enable admin user authentication with PAM" type="bool" default="false">false</enable_pam>
  • to the <admin_console> section in the config file. Solution in 3.2.1 Upgrading to this out-of-band release addresses this issue and contains only:
  • Adding a setting to disable the Admin Console (admin_console.enable), by default Admin Console is enabled.
  • Disables fallback password access when PAM is enabled.
  • Disables PAM by default.
  • Disallows empty user/password combinations.
CVSS details

Collabora Online 3.2

Released on April 19, 2018

Highlights of the changes since Collabora Online 3.1
  • Writer
    • Column Formatting dialog;
    • Avoiding cursor jumping when another user moves their view.
  • Calc
    • Data Validation (check-lists, constrain how forms are filled in, etc.);
    • F2 – triggers cell edit mode in Chrome;
    • Improved positioning of auto-filter pop-ups;
    • Sheet insertion improved with ‘insert sheet’ button.
  • General
    • Chart creation
    • Context menu spell checking
    • Improved complex-text Input Method popup positioning support;
    • Reduced dialog flicker;
    • Updated translations – with thanks to the LibreOffice community;
    • Updated support warning when used with many users (thanks to Kopano);
    • Use a hard random /tmp directory name inside our jails;
    • Force UTF-8 locale for kit processes.
  • Powerful new scripting API for integrators

See also the announcement.

Collabora Online 3.1

Released on March 2, 2018

Highlights of the changes since Collabora Online 3.0
  • Implementation and considerable improvement of IME for Asian languages
  • Support for hidden tabs in Calc
  • Support for chart data series editing
  • Improved key and mouse events handling in order to avoid possible freezes
  • Many other fixes and improvements

See also the announcement.

Collabora Online 3.0

Released on February 8, 2018

Highlights of the changes since Collabora Online 2.1:

We have released many smaller features and fixes as we‘ve gone along in the 2.1.x series over the last half a year, however, there are a number of larger feature improvements we promised in our Roadmap and now deliver:

  • Writer
    • Interactive horizontal ruler
    • Insert header and footer
    • New dialogs:
      • Rich Formatting – characters, paragraphs, pages, bullets & numbering, paragraph style editing.
      • Table properties
      • Insert → Link, and Index Entry
      • Change tracking management
      • Spelling & Grammar, and Thesaurus
  • Calc
    • Outlining and row/column grouping
    • Column filters, AutoFilter
    • New dialogs:
      • The vital Cell Format dialog
      • Powerful Sorting functionality
      • Advanced Filtering dialogs, with auto-filter popups.
  • Impress
    • Document repair from Writer is now available here as well
    • Ability to reply to comments
    • New dialogs:
      • Object formatting – Position, Size, Line, Area
  • Server Side
    • IPv6 support
    • Admin console:
      • new graphs to track CPU load and network activity
      • add cumulative bandwidth sent / received since server startup
    • Security Improvements
      • Admin Console can authenticate via PAM
      • Support HTTP public key pinning
    • Storage:
      • Better handling of conflict between editing and uploading documents
      • Improved document save during server shutdown
  • General
    • Add „follow the editor“ mode to the user list.
    • Extended format shifting REST API
    • Show read-only status of users

See also the announcement.

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