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Collabora Office 6.0 Release Notes

Collabora Office 6.0 release is based on upstream LibreOffice 6.0 source code, thus it contains all fixes from the upstream libreoffice-6-0 branch, plus more fixes and backported stable features from higher releases. (Go here for general info and a demo.)

Collabora Office 6.0-39

Released on 2021-01-06

  • Issues related to PDF signature verification

Collabora Office 6.0-38

Released on 2020-09-04

Upgraded 3rd party libraries (security fixes)
  • curl: upgrade to release 7.71.0
  • nss: upgrade to release 3.55.0
  • mariadb: upgrade to release 3.1.8
  • xmlsecurity: detect unsigned incremental update between signatures

Collabora Office 6.0-37

Released on 2020-05-20

Security fix
  • A fix for CVE-2020-12801 Crash-recovered Microsoft Office encrypted documents defaulted
    to not to using encryption on next save.
    In affected versions, a crash could lead to a user accidentally saving a Microsoft Office file format
    document unencrypted, while believing it to be encrypted.

Collabora Office 6.0-36

Released on 2020-01-07

Most important fixes
  • COLEAT: Added and implemented ooo.vba.word.XDocument.Close() method
  • XLSX import: Fixed tdf#128894 – Reference incorrectly updated when deleting rows in XLSX
  • tdf#129176: clear “TablePosition” grab bag when unfloating table
  • tdf#128449: Set graphic when setting background in Impress
  • PDF export: tdf#120343 – do not try to open PDF before the properties have been edited and the PDF is created

Collabora Office 6.0-35

Released on 2019-10-23

New features
  • Allow spaces in AutoText suggestions
Most important fixes

Collabora Office 6.0-34

Released on 2019-08-28

New features
  • Automatic Redaction – read the details of this powerful feature in this article.
  • Text based date field in Writer, compatible with Microsoft Office date content control.
    This adds to the recently considerably improved working with forms from Microsoft Word.
Most important fixes
  • Opening files from SharePoint in read-only mode (Windows 32-bit only)
  • Display user name instead of “Unknown user” when a locked file is opened from SharePoint
  • Do not allow users to add more than 25 entries to a drop-down form field (MS Word limitation)
  • mysqlc: Fix query of cursor position in result set
  • mysqlc: Support reading blob as string. Test setting and querying the following data types: TINYTEXT, TEXT, MEDIUMTEXT, LONGTEXT
  • nss: upgrade to release 3.45, fixes CVE-2019-11729 CVE-2019-11719 CVE-2019-11727, and the less important CVE-2018-12384 and CVE-2018-12404 from intermediate releases
  • CVE-2019-9850, CVE-2019-9851 and CVE-2019-9852
  • Other stability fixes

Collabora Office 6.0-33

Released on 2019-07-02

Most important fixes

Collabora Office 6.0-32

Released on 2019-06-07

Most important fixes
  • Redaction
    • Respect page margins of the source doc during redaction
    • Standardize content placement for redaction (tdf#125135)
  • Interoperable Pivot tables
    • Export longText attribute for sharedItems element (tdf#125046)
    • Properly round fractions of seconds (tdf#125055)
    • Write dataField attribute for fields that also appear in Data (tdf#125086)
  • Interoperable conditional formatting in spreadsheets
    • Import and export xlsx x14:cfRule element
  • SharePoint 2010 integration
    • WebDAV: Don’t unlock the file during saving of a document
    • The SharePoint integration library has been extended to provide the same read-only/edit choice dialog that MS Office’s SharePoint integration has. This library requires the component Optional Components – ActiveX Control to be selected at install-time.
  • MySQL Connector
    • Add support for mysql type INT24
  • Mail Merge
  • Other interoperability fixes
  • Other security and stability fixes

Collabora Office 6.0-28

Released on 2019-04-29

Most important fixes
  • Redaction
    • Handle other page sizes than A4
    • Add direct PDF export to Redaction toolbar
    • Make white rectangles the default to save toner
    • Protect page position during redaction
    • Enable redaction for Impress
  • Interoperable Pivot tables
    • Fixed a case when pivot tables exported by LibreOffice were considered broken and discarded by Excel.
    • Worked around a standard non-compliance of Excel 2016, which introduced a requirement directly contradicting MS OOXML standard.
    • Introduced saving pivot table group fields to XLSX – an important feature missing up tho that moment, without which there was no grouping by e.g. years/months in pivot tables resulting from export.
    • Fixed order of items in group fields, without which selecting October in an exported pivot table filter could give November’s results in Excel.
    • Introduced saving number formats of data fields to XLSX, without which results like $12 345 could become plain 12345 after pivot table refresh in Excel.
    • Introduced round-tripping of pivot table style as defined in original XLSX, so that the pivot table would have original look in Excel (may need refresh though) after being edited in Calc.
    • Fixed a problem, when data field name arrived empty in Excel.
    • Allowed LibreOffice to import data field names as defined in Excel, thus preserving the names when round-tripping XLSX pivot tables.
    • Fixed a crash in Excel caused by an exported empty data field under colFields tag.
    • Fixed field label normalization in pivot cache, which should be case-insensitive for Excel.
  • macOS specific fixes
    • tdf#82009 – Fixed a painting problem of TreeList widget
    • tdf#122172 – The OOoSpotlightImporter shouldn’t cause mdworker to crash
    • tdf#124032 – Fixed drawing of background of Edit control
    • tdf#101854 – Support faux bold of fonts that do not have bold version
  • A few backported Calc fixes
    • tdf#119623 – Deleting shared formula group top cell does not re-establish listeners for the remaining (group) formula cell(s).
    • tdf#121002 – Cells not recalculated after moving data within ranges pointed to by a shared formula group.
    • tdf#120013 – After Cut&Paste of an overlapping data range, cells of a shared formula group reference run are not recalculated.
    • tdf#123714 – Moving (Cut&Paste, Drag&Drop) a column range within the same row into a shared formula group’s reference may not recalculate the first affected formula cell.
    • tdf#123736 – Changing a reference in a formula cell of a shared formula group may not rebuild all dependencies of the then split group.
  • Other security and stability fixes

Collabora Office 6.0-27

Released on 2019-04-09

New features
  • Interoperable text based form fields and a special Forms menu that helps using them.
  • Manual Redaction Toolbar
  • Write Microsoft Office compatible lock files
Most important fixes
  • AutoText: 20x import speedup from DOCX
  • AutoText: fix unexpected page break on insert at end of document
  • Security fixes of 3rd party libraries
    • libjpeg-turbo: upgrade to release 1.5.3q
    • mDNSResponder: upgrade to release 878.200.35
    • openssl: upgrade to release 1.0.2r

Collabora Office 6.0-24

Released on 2019-02-21

Most important fixes
  • Export number format of chart label to OOXML (tdf#122031)
  • MySQL Connector fixes (e.g. tdf#122616)
  • Don’t mis-detect .doc files as .dot (tdf#110987)
  • Security fixes of 3rd party libraries: curl

Collabora Office 6.0-20

Released on 2019-01-19

New feature:
  • Un-float Table button. Writer imports Word’s floating tables into TextFrames. However a TextFrame cannot span across multiple pages. The button turns a table-in-TextFrame into a normal table at the anchor point of the TextFrame.
Un-float Table button in Writer
Un-float Table button in Writer
Most important fixes
  • Several MySQL Connector fixes
  • Various OOXML import/export fixes
  • Mail Merge fixes
  • Security fixes of 3rd party libraries: curl, libxml2, libxslt, lcms2, poppler, python3

Collabora Office 6.0-13

Released on 2018-10-22

Most important fixes
  • All recent fixes from the upstream libreoffice-6-0 branch
  • Multiple small OOXML and binary DOC interoperability fixes
  • Keep PyUNO script processing below base URI (fixes CVE-2018-16858)
  • Other security and stability fixes

Collabora Office 6.0-12

Released on 2018-10-02

Most important fixes
  • All recent fixes from the upstream libreoffice-6-0 branch
  • Hidden shapes in XLS(X) files are not printed any more
  • Multiple small OOXML interoperability fixes
  • Fixes in the new MySQL/MariaDB database connector
  • Other security and stability fixes

Collabora Office 6.0-7

Released on 2018-08-31

New features (developed by Collabora)
  • New, built-in MySQL/MariaDB database connector, which replaces the MySQL connector extension
  • Online help hosted at
  • Font effect “transformation” support (improves interoperability with MS Office)
Most important fixes
  • All recent fixes from the upstream libreoffice-6-0 branch
  • Multiple small OOXML interoperability fixes
  • Upgraded internal NSS library to version 3.38 (fixes CVE-2018-0495 and “the ASN.1 code”).
  • Other security and stability fixes

Collabora Office 6.0-6

Released on 2018-07-11

New features (developed by Collabora)
  • Implemented VBA FormatNumber function (tdf#118218)
  • Proxy Auto-Configuration (PAC) support and other proxy related fixes (tdf#114227)
Most important fixes
  • All recent fixes from the upstream libreoffice-6-0 branch
  • Mail Merge related fixes (tdf#116543, tdf#117817)
  • Improved WordBasic support [ExistingBookmark()]
  • Impress fix (tdf#102195)
  • Calc fixes (especially a performance fix: tdf#118441)
  • Handle direct formatting for numbering in DOC file format (tdf#117923)
  • New Collabora Office app logo

Collabora Office 6.0-5

Released on 2018-06-13

See the release announcement here: Collabora Office 6.0 – The Migrator’s Choice.

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