Collabora Office 5.1 Release Notes

Collabora Office 5.1 release is based on upstream LibreOffice 5.1 source code, thus it contains all fixes from the upstream libreoffice-5-1 branch, plus more fixes and backported stable features from higher releases.

Collabora Office 5.1-26

Released on 2018-02-09

Most important fixes

Collabora Office 5.1-21

Released on 2017-03-02

Most important fixes

Collabora Office 5.1-9

Released on 2016-10-13

Most important fixes

Collabora Office 5.1-4

Released on 2016-08-18

Distinctive features

(compared to upstream LibreOffice 5.1 by The Document Foundation)


Several new digital signing-related improvements have been backported and are included in Collabora Office 5.1.

Document signing
  • Added support for signature descriptions and signing with the same certificate multiple times
  • Added support for reading SHA-256 hashes in ODF documents
  • Added support for OOXML signature import and export

Classification according to TSCP-standards

In Writer, Calc and Impress now there is a Classification tool bar that allows you to choose the classification level. Choosing the classification level will result in an info bar, and in Writer (depending on the level) also in a watermark and a field in the header and footer, all showing the level of classification (Non-Business, General Business, Confidential, Internal Only). The classification is based on the Business Authentication Framework (BAF) policy and stored in the document properties.


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