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Collabora’s Talks at the LibreOffice Conference 2023 in Bucharest

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Upcoming talks by Collabora at the LibreOffice Conference 2023

The LibreOffice Conference 2023 will take place from September 20 to September 23 in Bucharest. We are glad to be able to sponsor this event and to contribute a significant number of talks on various aspects of LibreOffice technology. Here is a list of talks by our team to consider for your conference schedule. Please don’t forget to check back after the event. We will be sharing the links to the slides and videos of the conference talks as soon as they are available.

Browse talks by day

To make it easy to navigate through the timetable, we sorted the talks chronologically. Please find the complete schedule, including track topics and more filters, on the conference website!

Thursday, 21 September 2023 🌅 (morning sessions)

Michael Meeks: Sponsor Keynote

21 September 23  12:00 – 12:30 EEST (UTC+3)  1 Room 1

Michael Meeks, Managing Director of Collabora Productivity, has a look at the latest developments in LibreOffice Technology from the perspective of the ecosystem.

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Justin Luth: Using configuration extensions to automate preferred defaults

21 September 2023 15:30 – 16:00 EEST (UTC+3) Room 1

Justin Luth outlines the advantages and disadvantages, and showcases some simple examples and installation scrips on using configuration extensions to automate defaults.

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Attila Szűcs: Zip64 support in LibreOffice

21 September 2023  16:00 – 16:30 EEST (UTC+3)  Room 1

As technology advances, documents will become larger and larger, and the original zip standard will no longer suffice, so Zip64 extensions have to be used in LibreOffice, to increase the limitations of zip.

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Timur Gadžo: Tracking bugs in LibreOffice together …

21 September 2023  17:00 – 17:30 EEST (UTC+3)  Room 2

There are different paths that help provide quality assurance. Some are done by devs, some in TDF, some by ecosystem partners. Many paths lead to Gerrit. Here we are showing some examples of how Collabora and its partners are helping fix bugs in LibreOffice Technology.

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Justin Luth: Avoiding regressions by hunting in QA unit test

21 September 23  17:50 – 18:00 EEST (UTC+3)  Room 2

Fixing bugs can be quite a challenge. Based on a complicated example, Justin Luth speaks about some lessons learned, shows how to avoid regressions. See details  Save to calendar



Friday, 22 September 2023 🌅 (morning sessions)

Miklos Vajna: Multi-page floating tables in Writer

22 September 2023  09:00 – 09:30 EEST (UTC+3)  Room 1

LibreOffice was capable of handling multi-page tables and floating tables in Writer already. But it was not possible to combine these two features to have a multi-page floating table, which is a frequently used feature in Word documents. Hear Miklos Vajna explain the challenges on implementing this functionality.

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Caolán McNamara: Crashtesting, Fuzzing: 2023 report

22 September 2023  09:30 – 10:00 EEST (UTC+3)  Room 1

We process 812,729 documents in crashtesting, which takes 4 days per cycle. A report on the current crashtesting and fuzzing status.

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Mike Kaganski: LanguageTool integration improvements and some other fixes

22 September 2023  10:30 – 11:00 EEST (UTC+3)  Room 1

In this talk, Mike Kaganski will describe some improvements & fixes he made to LibreOffice over the last year, including some recent changes to the native LanguageTool integration.

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Tomaž “Quikee” Vajngerl: Document Themes

22 September 23  12:00 – 12:30 EEST (UTC+3)  Room 2

The document themes are a way to quickly, easily and consistently change the design of a document. Hear Tomaž “Quikee” Vajngerl talk on the possibility to add, change and preserve the themes of a document for Writer and Calc that is now available in LibreOffice 7.6.

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Friday, 22 September 2023 🌇 (afternoon session)

Jaume Pujantell Traserra : PDF handling in LibreOffice

22 September 2023  15:30 – 16:00 EEST (UTC+3)  Room 2

LibreOffice needs to handle PDFs in various contexts: from inserting them inside a document, to converting them to ODG format or showing them with the experimental PDFium API. Hears Jaume Trassera’s talk on the strengths and pitfalls in different situations.

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Szymon Kłos: Improvements in JSDialogs – LibreOfficeKit API for UI components

22 September 2023  17:20 – 17:30 EEST (UTC+3)  Room 1

JSDialogs is the framework for sharing UI components between LibreOffice and Collabora Online. Szymon Kłos explains their functionality and shows many of the optimizations and improvements it recently gained.

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Henry Castro: Importing Excel conditional format

22 September 2023  17:30 – 17:35 EEST (UTC+3)  Room 1

Hear Henry Castro’s conditional format update on new properties and issues found (reading code) to import Excel conditional formats.

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Justin Luth: Forms: keyboard navigation and VBA macro control

22 September 2023  17:40 – 17:45 EEST (UTC+3)  Room 1

In this presentation, Justin Luth outlines the three different types of form controls available in LibreOffice and talks about newly gained keyboard navigation and VBA macro access to form controls.

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Paris Oplopoios: Per-view rendering improvements

22 September 2023  17:45 – 17:50 EEST (UTC+3)  Room 1

Learn about the improvements made on view separation based on different view options in scenarios where there can be multiple users with different view options.

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Gökay Şatir: View-based accelerator configuration manager

22 September 2023  17:50 – 17:55 EEST (UTC+3)  Room 1

Hear Gökay Şatir‘s talk on the recently added support for language-specific shortcuts. When a document is being edited by multiple users, they can all use their languages’ shortcuts.

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Saturday, 23 September 2023 (morning sessions) 🌅

Mike Dworski: The 3 layers of typo Correction: AutoCorrect, spellchecking, and grammar checking

23 September 2023  09:30 – 10:00 EEST (UTC+3)  Room 1

Were you ever frustrated by ducking AutoCorrect? Seeing red squiggles under misspelled words? Accidentally putting the wrong words inside your sentences? Learn how each layer tackles different types of errors, plus how to refine the dictionaries and tools that are already there!

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Michael Meeks: An economic perspective on FLOSS & LibreOffice technology

23 September 2023  11:00 – 11:30 EEST (UTC+3)  1 Room 1

Hear Michael Meeks‘ talk and join the discussion around FLOSS business models as they related to LibreOffice technology, the ecosystem, and funding the future & success of LibreOffice.

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Find out more about Collabora Office & Collabora Online

Collabora Productivity created Collabora Online, a powerful online office suite, which you can integrate into your own infrastructure. It prioritises your digital sovereignty and provides you with all the tools to keep your data secure, without compromising on features. Collabora provides a wide range of products, as well as consulting services for enterprises and governments. Powered by the largest team of certified LibreOffice engineers in the world, Collabora is a leading contributor to the LibreOffice technology community. Collabora Office for Desktop and Collabora Online provide a business-hardened office suite with long-term support. Collabora’s multi-platform policy is completed with Collabora Office for iOS, Android, and Chrome OS. Collabora Productivity is a division of Collabora, the global software consultancy dedicated to providing the benefits of Open Source to the commercial world, specializing in mobile, automotive and consumer electronics industries. For more information, follow us on Twitter, Mastodon, LinkedIn and YouTube.

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