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Collabora Productivity Turns Ten

Can you believe it, September 2023 marks the ten year anniversary since Collabora Productivity was incorporated?! It has been a brilliant decade, full of hard work, persistence, collaboration, growth, success and of course, fun!

We are so grateful to everyone who has supported, contributed and worked with us to make Collabora Online and Office the success it is today. Here are some of the team who have worked with Collabora Productivity along our journey so far. They come from an impressive range of countries, languages, tribes and tongues, we really love to work with the best people wherever they are based.

We loved to celebrate our 10 year anniversary with the LibreOffice community
Celebrations at the LibreOffice Conference 2023 in Bucharest, Romania


Thank you to all the coding engineers

It has been amazing over the years to work with 75 talented engineers working on developing the code-base, each one has made a significant improvement somewhere, from interns spending their summer with us, to developers who spent ten years making a huge impact – in alphabetical order:

Abigail Lowrie, Aditya Dewan, András Timár, Andrej Shadura, Andrew Lee (李健秋), Andrzej Hunt, Armin Le Grand, Áron Budea, Ashod Nakashian, Attila Szűcs, Caolán McNamara, Chris Sherlock, Christopher Gladman, Corentin Noël, Daniel Stone, Darshan Upadhyay, Dennis Francis, Emmanuel Gil Peyrot, Ezinne Nnamani, Faruk Uzun, Florin Ciornei, Gökay Şatır, Gopi Krishna Menon, George Wood, Grzegorz Araminowicz, Gülşah Köse, Henry Castro, Hubert Figuière, Iván Sánchez Ortega, Ivan Stefanenko, Jack Leigh, Jan Holešovsky, Jaume Pujantell Traserra, Justin Luth, Kohei Yoshida, László Németh, Lenny Horstink, Louis-Francis Ratté-Boulianne, Luboš Luňák, Lubosz Sarnecki, Luigi Iucci, Marco Cecchetti, Marc Rodrigues, Markus Mohrhard, Matúš Kukan, Mert Tümer, Mihai Varga, Mike Kaganski, Miklós Vajna, Muhammet Kara, Muthu Subramanian, Nick Wingate, Noel Grandin, Oli Baker, Olivier Hallot, Özcan Esen, Paris Oplopoios, Patrick Luby, Pedro Pinto Silva, Pranam Lashkari, Pranav Kant, Rashesh Padia, Sarper Akdemir, Shehr Bano, Skyler Grey, Szymon Kłos, Tamás Bunth, Tamás Zolnai, Thais Vieira, Tim-Philipp Müller, Tomaž Vajngerl, Tor Lillqvist, Ursache Vladimir, Will Thompson, Yunusemre Şentürk

Thank you to all the supporting team

Of course, it’s not just engineering – no company can run as smoothly as Collabora Productivity without a great team around them, its been great to have 41 people across many roles in Management, PoPs, HR, Finance, Marketing, Sysadmin…

Amélie Hanna, Anna Nazaryan, Asja Čandić, Ben Toynton, Cor Nouws, Deirdre Daly, Dorée Carrier, Elisa de Castro Guerra, Eloy Crespo, Ema Infate, Foad Vafaei, Hannah Greetham, Heidi Merrifield, Guy Lunardi, Iris Lee, Jassie Badion, Javier Llamas Mondragon, Jona Aziza, Julie Wilder, Lily Logua, Mark Filion, Mazin Alhaddad, Michael Meeks, Mike Dworski, Mitch Tester, Naomi Obbard, Niall McCarthy, Niamh Merrit, Philippe Kalaf, Richard Brock, Robert McQueen, Sam Tuke, Simon Lofthouse, Simon Napper, Stelios Milidonis, Swapnil Bhartiya, Tim Eyles, Timur Gadžo, Tina Lowe, Tracie Fabb, William Gathoye

Some of our team building events over the last 10 years included Sky Diving, High Ropes, Paddle Boarding, Punting…


Of course, we wouldn’t be where we are today without our partners. We currently have over 230 partners in 60 countries who work alongside us and integrate Collabora Online into their products. We’d like to thank them for their continued support and trust that has allowed us to grow to grow our businesses together.

We love to work with partners all over the globe


And to our customers, with some four million paying users, who have entrusted Collabora Productivity to provide their secure online office suite – it’s a privilege to be part of your business!


We love to work alongside so many talented people in the community, with over one thousand four hundred (1400) individual developers committing alongside us to the underlying LibreOffice Technology code we build on over the last ten years, along with a huge number of translators and documentation, UX experts and more all across the world. Please do checkout their credits. We’re particularly grateful to those helping us out with Collabora Online, but for reasons of brevity omit this list of names – checkout the links.

Photos from many of the community events we’ve taken part in over the decade

What have we achieved?

Throughout the decade, Collabora Productivity has focused on supporting our users and giving back to the wider LibreOffice community. We have brought LibreOffice technology to the browser and mobile in an easy to consume way for everyone.

We have released over 31 major releases across LibreOffice-from-Collabora, Collabora Online, Collabora Office, Collabora Office for Mobile and Collabora Online Development Edition.

We have pushed 57,000 commits to LibreOffice and 21,000 to Collabora Online.

We’ve hosted 7 Team and Partner events; Bern in 2014, Brno in 2016, Tirana in 2018, Almeria in 2019. COOL Days, for our partners and community was born during the pandemic. The first was hosted online in 2021, and two in the subsequent years were held in person in Berlin and Cambridge.

Of course, no software is without support tickets, enabling us to assist our customers and partners to get setup, migrated and working smoothly with Collabora products. Over the last 10 years we have closed 3596 tickets – that’s an average of around ten per day, with 19 currently open.

While our primary focus is supporting our product customers, part of Collabora Productivity is our bespoke consultancy work. We have worked with a large number of companies to build better features, provide better interoperability and solve their specific problems, all the while contributing the work back into the wider community. You can read about some of our projects.

Some Special Thank Yous

Some special thank-yous are necessary for the many people behind the scenes who worked hard behind the scenes to make the original spin-out from SUSE a succes – thanks to: Brad Haque, Gerald Pfeifer, Marie Louise van Deutekom, Melanie Reichel, Michal Svec, Nils Brauckmann, Ralf Flaxa and Vojtech Pavlik

Then thanks to our first significant customers, partners and supporters:

It took a special person ten years ago to have faith in this small, new spin-out and to support our work while we went through our teething period as a new company. Many of these people also helped us with support, advice, practical experience in negotiation, and ultimately of course funding. Without them we would not be here today – you are much appreciated:

Daniel Aquilino, Kyle Beam, John Blanton, Jean-Pierre Bordes, William Bridwell, Kent Davison, Holger Dyroff, Fernand, Adam Fyne, Tsahi Glik, David Gümbel, Chris Hall, John Hunter, Frank Karlitschek, Jagan Lokanatha, Robert McCullough, Meir Morganstern, Jos Poortvliet, Anil Raut, Jim Routh, Darren Ruotolo, Robert Schulman, Kismat Singh, Niels Spanjers, Adam Paclt, Antonin Prukl

And finally, a huge set of partners, customers and key users who have contributed so much love, feedback, financial and moral support:

Thank you to all those who have helped to fuel the growth and success of Collabora Productivit from a business perspective over this decade – the full list of names would need to be far longer here, but here are the people that came immediately to mind; thank you !

Maria Alandes Pradillo, Birgit Becker, Ralf Becker, Thorsten Behrens, Maurizio Berti, Oliver Biewald, Jean-Romain Bouquet, Ulrich Brandner, Anthony Callahan, John Carberry, Antonio Chaac Velazquez Rincon, Nicolas Christener, Jan Christoph Dageförde, Denny Dahl, Holger Dyroff, Denny Ehrenberg, Stephan Feldhoff, Eric Ficheux, Vincent Francois, Peter Ganten, Jonas Garstick, Tobias Gerlinger, Peter Gietz, David Gillard, Mark Götting, Nico Gulden, Julius Härtl, Philippe Hemmel, Darren Henderson, Jerome Herledan, Thomas Hildmann, Thomas Hilstad, Timo Hirvonen, Teo Hirvonen, Lars Hoeger, Ali Işıngör, Mihajlo Joksimovic, Niall Keaveney, Nico Kossuch, Devadas Kovilakath, Ryan Kruse, Steve Kucia, Gerald Langisch, Marina Latini, Michiel Leenaars, Jérémie Lesage, Lucie Lesage, Fabian Liedtke, Javier Llamas Mondragón, Giuseppe Lo Presti, Leif Lohdahl, Patrick Maier, Marcel Meyer, Andrea Mörike, Julie Murphy, Robert Nijhof, Robert Nouwens, Jez Nuzum, Jos van den Oever, Olivier Paroz, Jean-François Pellier, Benoit Penicaut, Régis Perdreau, Andreas Rhode, Dave Richards, Bernd Rodler, Ulises Rodriguez, Björn Schieble, Paolo Storti, Mathias Supp, Jorg Thalmann, Sebastiaan Veld, Nicolas Vérité, Arnaud Versini, Christophe Villeneuve, Sean Wilson, Markus Windecker, Andrea Wörrlein, Michael Wuttke

If you read those lists and think – “wow, that’s a lot of people” – you can share our joy at each of the relationships, insights and contributions that we’ve brought into the company from them. There has been a staggering amount of work done.

Thanks too to everyone who has written about us in the media, liked our posts on social media, met us at a conference or event or just told their friends about Collabora. All of this has allowed us to keep doing what we love most – Making Open Source Rock! We’re excited about where we’re at, and are looking forward to another decade of fun!

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