Collabora Online 3.4 released

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Cambridge, United Kingdom – October 10, 2018 – Collabora Productivity, the driving force behind putting LibreOffice in the Cloud, is excited to announce a new release of its flagship enterprise-ready cloud document suite – Collabora Online 3.4, with new features and multiple improvements.

What’s new in Collabora Online 3.4?

This time we have added a great amount of additional features, on top of our usual set of fixes that we introduce in our monthly releases.

  • Significantly improved interactivity on high latency connections;
  • Considerably improved the mobile experience;
  • Possibility to anonymize the logs if necessary (hiding URLs, document names and usernames);
  • Increased performance of Impress by on-demand loading of the slides in slide sorter;
  • Possibility to use a different service root than the toplevel. If the rules of your organization do not permit running services in the root, you can use a subpath for it, like by setting /IT/CollaboraOnline as the ServiceRoot in the configuration file;
  • Convert-to is now allowed only for the hosts explicitly allowed in the configuration file;
  • Possibility to trigger sharing directly from the document. UI for this is enabled only when the CheckFileInfo contains ‘EnableShare: true’ ;
  • Various other smaller fixes and improvements, including few crasher fixes.

Online demo

You can get access to the demo of Collabora Online and try it out yourself right now!

Try the Online Demo

About Collabora Productivity:
Collabora Productivity is the driving force behind putting LibreOffice in the Cloud, providing a range of products and consulting to enterprise and government. Powered by the largest team of certified LibreOffice engineers in the world, it is a leading contributor to the LibreOffice codebase and community. Collabora Office for Desktop and Collabora Online provide a business-hardened office suite with long-term, multi-platform support. Collabora Productivity is a division of Collabora, the global software consultancy dedicated to providing the benefits of Open Source to the commercial world, specializing in mobile, automotive and consumer electronics industries. For more information, visit or follow @CollaboraOffice on Twitter.

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