Collabora Office on mobiles supporting password protected documents and available on F-Droid

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The updated release of Collabora Office for Android and iOS now supports opening password protected documents and is available for F-Droid. Thus the open source app running on your mobile devices – mind that ChromeOS is supported too – is again gaining in both features and user support.

Opening password protected documents


Trying to open password protected files on Collabora Office for Android.
Trying to open password protected files on Collabora Office for Android.
Just click on the document you’d like to open. In case it is a password-protected document Collabora Office will display the field for the password entry. Needless to say that this naturally works for text documents, spreadsheets and presentations alike, be it DOCX, XLSX, PPTX, ODT, ODS, ODP,or ..

Now available for F-Droid!


The search results for Collabora Office on F-Droid when our third party repo has been defined.
The search results for Collabora Office on F-Droid when our third party repo has been defined.
Regularly users have asked us about the availability of Collabora Office for F-Droid, the community driven platform focusing on free and open source apps for Android. And now it’s here! Currently we provide two versions: the 4.2.x release – already longer existing, and the snapshot of the unstable 6.4 line. With the latter you can help us test the latest and greatest features! Something we really appreciate, so do contact us 🙂 !
However.. searching in the F-Droid site app list, you will not find it; first you will have to add the repo. Of course the F-Droid community provides a simple and clear HowTo.
In short: you need to add the following third party repository:
Collabora Office is the first fully functional mobile document editor for F-Droid. Thanks to the F-Droid community for helping to make this possible. Shortly we’ll publish a post adding more details to the story and possibly addressing some questions too.

Where to get the new Collabora Office for mobile?

Just install or update your Collabora Office app from the Play Store or App Store. And for F-Droid, see the info just above here!


20 Responses

    1. Good question. We are still thinking about how best to handle our corporate branding & bits of theming CSS that stops us getting into F-droid. We need to think that through and/or to work with F-droid to work out how to protect our brand (as they do theirs). That requires quite a chunk of work, but our brand is one of the very few assets we own as an FLOSS company, and we have to handle this extremely carefully – and getting this right requires a lot of work – and (thus far) all of our mobile work is gratis: making it hard to find the time. Hopefully you can cope with a third party repo until that is done. Thanks.

  1. In the latest version, 6.4.99, documents aren’t saved after editing and trying to open a password protected. .ods leads zu be stuck at the loading screen.

  2. Hi,
    Two topics:
    1. i would donate the Android/iOS version. How can i do that?
    2. why not to put the Collabora APP to default F-Droid repo?
    Regards. Andrzej

    1. Hello Andrzej,

      thank you so much for your support. As a for-profit company, we do not rely on donations. But of course, we do appreciate it if you spread the Word about Collabora Office and Colloabora Online. And we also appreciate any support from code, translations, testing and bug reporting in the community. Thank you so much! Community hub:

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