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A wonderful FOSDEM 2021 – Collabora and the LibreOffice devroom

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FOSDEM 2021 was virtually different. Although it is sad that there was no opportunity to meet in person and enjoy the flair of Brussels this year, the largest European Open-Source conference was still a wonderful experience. Thank you for the great organization. The presentations of the Collabora developers and the videos (as soon as they are available) can be found in this post. We look forward to meeting you in person next year at the ULB!

Is Collabora making Online Content Management come true?

Saturday, February 6th, 2021. “Collabora Online for your documents” – Michael Meeks discusses with you how we have been improving Online’s UX, features & community!

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Development in the Cloud can’t be easy.. can it?

Sunday, February 7th 2021. “Lowering the Barrier for New Developers -Developing in the cloud via GitPod”: Listen to Muhammet Kara, what does he know about “Lowering the Barrier for New Developers”?

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Could LibreOffice speak up, would it love the cloud?

Sunday, February 7th 2021. “How Collabora Online development improves LibreOffice”: Long time – we could even say veteran – LibreOffice and Online developer Jan “Kendy” Holešovský, is a real LibreOffice listener. 😉 Listen to him telling “How Collabora Online development improves LibreOffice”!

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Inspector X – show your objects!

Sunday, February 7th 2021. “Build-in “xray” like UNO object inspector”: Bringing his magnifier, Tomaž Vajngerl explains developing “Build-in “xray” like UNO object inspector” – a project kindly granted by TDF.

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LibreOffice trusting PDFium… and vice versa

Sunday, February 7th 2021. “Handling PDF digital signatures in LibreOffice with PDFium”: Miklos Vajna knows all you may want to know about “Handling PDF digital signatures in LibreOffice”.

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Making Nextcloud Hub COOL

Sunday, February 7th 2021. “Making Nextcloud Hub COOL – Hear how we implemented out-of-the-box collaboration.”: Some titles speak for themselves. What does Michael Meeks know about this?

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Apple slices easy bits?

Sunday, February 7th 2021. “Porting LibreOffice to macOS on Apple Silicon – Easy bits were easy, hard bits were not so hard”: Tor Lillqvist put his teeth in porting LibreOffice to macOS… Easy or hard?

Watch the video!
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More great talks in the LibreOffice devroom!

Check the LibreOffice FOSDEM 2021 devroom schedule for more talks about IDE’s, productivity, interoperability, document standards, Maria DB, QA, LibreOffice in the browser, Writer fields, gerrit patches, Lightning talks.


About Collabora Productivity

Collabora Productivity is the driving force behind putting LibreOffice in the cloud, providing Collabora Online and a range of products and consulting to enterprise and government. Powered by the largest team of certified LibreOffice engineers in the world, it is a leading contributor to the LibreOffice codebase and community. Collabora Office for Desktop and Collabora Online provide a business-hardened office suite with long-term, multi-platform support. Collabora Productivity is a division of Collabora, the global software consultancy dedicated to providing the benefits of Open Source to the commercial world, specializing in mobile, automotive and consumer electronics industries. For more information, visit or follow Collabora Office on Twitter .

2 Responses

  1. It would be great if later LibreOffice Vanilla versions for the M1 Mac will have Java enabled for bibliography managers in the near future…Don’t know if It will be available through the App Store tho…

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