Quick Tryout ownCloud Docker

You can try CODE in 5 minutes with ownCloud following these basic steps:

  1. Find out the IP address of your computer, e.g.
  2. Run ownCloud from docker:
    docker run -d -p 80:80 owncloud
  3. In your browser go to and set up your ownCloud.
  4. In ownCloud go to Market and install Collabora Online app.
  5. Run CODE from docker:
    docker run -t -d -p 9980:9980 -e "extra_params=--o:ssl.enable=false" collabora/code
  6. Set up the Collabora Online server in ownCloud Settings – Additional to

Note: Of course, this is only good for a quick look at the features, it is not for production by any means.

Note: Do not use localhost or instead of IP address of your computer, because these addresses do not resolve from the containers.


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