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Collabora Online 4.2.2 released

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Collabora Online 4.2.2

Collabora Online 4.2-updates

PDF and Chinese, Japanese and Korean date format improvements

We are glad to announce the release of Collabora Online 4.2.2. This latest version features improvements in PDF handling (PDFium-based PDF rendering) and with regard to the display of Chinese (and other Asian) date formats in Calc.

Many important fixes

Besides these improvements version 4.2.2 brings a lot of important stability fixes and updated translations. Among other things, the view in Writer now behaves as expected when deselecting an image. You can find an overview of all features and fixes in our release notes.

Update of Collabora Online 4.2.0

Collabora Online 4.2.2 is annother update to our major release Collabora Online 4.2.0. Learn all about the new implementations in the original announcement. If you want to test the latest features you might want to take a look at our snapshots or request a demo!

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